372 Funny, GeneralBaby’s incredible reaction to his mom[zombify_post] by samer176 8 years ago8 years ago
37 General, SurgeryPupil constriction in cataract surgery[zombify_post] by samer176 8 years ago8 years ago
27 UncategorizedAt about 40 weeks, the baby pushes it’s way through the birth canal, and meet its mother for the first time, face to face.[zombify_post] by samer176 8 years ago8 years ago
24 UncategorizedIt’s amazing to see a life living within another life.[zombify_post] by samer176 8 years ago8 years ago
20 UncategorizedBaby and it’s physical characteristics take shape[zombify_post] by samer176 8 years ago8 years ago
25 Uncategorized3-D imaging shows the baby in Second Trimester[zombify_post] by samer176 8 years ago8 years ago
30 Anatomy, General, RadiologyAfter the first trimester, the mother begins to feel better and may even begin to show, as the fetus begins to look more like a baby.[zombify_post] by samer176 8 years ago8 years ago